Hello Monday.
I have just finished my first term of school! 3 more to go. I cant believe how fast time goes when you're busy. I have been working a few fashion shows, one last week for Blushing Boutique, and now this week I will be working for Wear Else on Tuesday. I am happy to say that I am now assiting Yvadney Davis for styling! I am very excited to get started working with her she is a fantastic stylist from Central St. Martins in the U.K. have a look at her work here it is honestly amazing I feel so lucky to get a chance to learn from such talent.
On a random note;
Have you ever woken up to rain on your window? Well considering Vancouver is known for rain I feel like I'll be waking up to it a lot. This being said though it doesn't mean you can't find beauty in the rain. Look at this city, that's real life my friends, even on a cloudy rainy "miserable" day there is always something beautiful. I am sitting, listening to rain and to Pete Murray..if you haven't heard the song So Beautiful, you should..especially when it's raining, or Amos Lee, but again..when it's raining. Mondays are usually people's least favourite day of the week, but my trick is to wake up and make the best breakfast, and have the best cup of coffee (because lets face it coffee makes everything better) then Mondays don't hurt so bad. When it's raining it doesn't mean fashion goes out the window either, it's cute rain coats, comfy sweaters, rain boots, my favourite knit hats, and most importantly a 'fashionable' umbrella, I kinda just love my bright bright bright pink umbrella from Holts.
My friend sent me a quote the other day and I feel like I needs to be re-said just one of those things that make you stop for a second and think; "It seems to me now that the plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don’t need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone."-Nick Hornby